Chiara Santoro
Chiara Santoro is an Italian self-made artist, born in 1989 in Turin, Italy. At the beginning of her artistic career she experimented with different forms of expression to be able to find the one in which she could feel the most fulfilled, digital graphics. Since 2013 she has established herself as a digital artist through the development of a new, personal and unconventional creative method that includes images made only of pixels and a lot of imagination. As a creative tool, Chiara Santoro uses only her tablet to be able to feel free to start new projects at any time and in any place. She works by structuring her personal visions of the world on the screen, always experimenting with new styles but maintaining a common thread in every work. Chiara’s artistic research is essentially based on the harmony of shapes and colors, on the immanence that lies behind each project. The meaning of each work is intrinsic but can still be interpreted based on the eyes of the beholder. It is the experiences of each individual that create synergy with what is represented, viewers themselves reconnect the elements placed within the work because, as Chiara says There are always two artists: the who creates and the one who perceives.