Born in San Severo (Apulia, Italy) in 1973, Italian artist Kezia Terracciano, alias Keziat, currently lives in Rome. She graduates at the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia in 1998 and since then has presented her works in Venice, Rome, Paris, Florence, New York, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto, Stuttgart, Perth, Kuala Lumpur, Porto, Jakarta, Milan, Helsinki, Ljubljana, Singapore, Bangkok, Miami, Johannesburg, and Washington Dc. From 1996 to 2008 Keziat has created mainly paintings on canvas. During these years, she draws numerous cartoons and illustrations for major publishing companies such as Enciclopediae Britannica (Chicago), Synergebooks (New York) and 123Publishing House (Hong Kong). In 2006, Keziat begins to collaborate with Violipiano Visual, creating and producing interdisciplinary performances of music, dance, theater and visual arts.