In this painting two heads, one blue and one red are facing each other. In the middle between the heads a black silhouette-like figure emerges with a yellow window behind her. Horizontally, cross the entire painting, a black figure is placed from right to left creating a cross-like configuration of the two figures. I created this painting with acrylic on DryWall. The hard surface and calcium based drywall allows the paint to adhere and bind relatively fast as well as giving the acrylic satin varnish an additional warmth and depth. This work was inspired and is a compliment to the metal figure statues that I created and mounted on a wooden block. The discrepancy between humans striving to communicate and the actual connections made is getting deeper and more noticeable as social media totally mesmerizes and concurs the human brain. The topic of "together and alone", also presented here, is one of the leading themes in my art work throughout the years. I created this painting with acrylic on DryWall. The hard surface and calcium based drywall allows the paint to adhere and bind relatively fast as well as giving the acrylic satin varnish an additional depth.
David Euler - Progression 1b - Acrylic
€ 3.000,00Price